Bill Frisell/John Lennon

I just picked up Bill Frisell's new record of John Lennon covers. Some of the tempos are slower and Frisell's "airy" style often emphasizes melody more than rhythm, but overall this is the best set of Beatle covers I've ever heard. Probably not for Beatles purists, but if you can be flexible, this one is terrific. Greg Leisz does a great job on slide and the songs even rock a bit here and there.

I understand John's reaction in that these interpretations de-emphsize the rhythms and the result has less r'n'r urgency. Sometimes the rhythms are picked up by fiddle - which I think works pretty well. At the end of the day, though, it's way that the melodies and harmonies are carried by Frisell on lead and Leisz on lap steel that I really love.

As I noted in my OP, not for every taste.
I agree wholeheartedly with Maxnewid about "Chimes of Freedom." Lots of interesting takes on great songs, from excellent people I'd not heard of, like Zee Avi. I much prefer it to the "usual dinosaurs" 30th anniversary concert. Hilariously, the Miley Cyrus cut is among my favorite on Chimes, so I disagree with Maxnewid there. Takes all kinds to make a world, my father used to say.

Ok, back to Bill!

I'm a guitar player (Frisell's age) and jazz fan and I discovered his stuff late, although I knew he was around. I've since seen him in concert a few times, and have been astonished at his musical choices, chops, and restraint. He requires active listening and for that you can be rewarded...he is astonishingly prolific (see Bonnie Raitt's new album), and just does what he does seemingly not concerned about anything but the music itself. That's an artist. His stuff might not set your head on fire at first blush, but "All We Are Saying" fits right in there as a group of brilliant musicians interpreting music with originality, and that is refreshing to me. A recent show featuring Eyvind Kang & Rudy Royston was one of the most interesting, original, and profoundly beautiful live shows I've ever seen.