APO Doors Reissues

Anyone heard the new APO Doors reissues on 45 rpm Lp? It sounds like the mix is the same, instruments hard right and left, Morrison in the center for the most part. Is that the case?

While I understand the outrage from some quarters that would follow any change to the original mix, it seems to me that the original mix was a less than ideal decision and I don't see why it can't be improved on.
Yup. I prefer the original die-cut/cellophane window copy I have. The 45RPM is a bit sterile and clinical sounding, lacking in emotion and life. I also find the bass to be somewhat bloated. The original has better spectral balance top to bottom and really lets the music flow easily. YMMV and all that.

BTW, Morrison Hotel is the one to get.
Thanks! I was going to ask about Morrison Hotel also.
I have the 45 of Strange Days, it sounds real good but
to me not great.
Interesting- I decided to get LA Woman, and not Morrison Hotel. I passed on MH because I have a red E label, which sounds great to me. I listened to the QRP LA Woman last night, and it sounds great to me. I have a Butterfly label, and had the DCC, which I just sold. Palasr, I will have to pull out my Butterfly label, and listen again. I am almost sure mine has the rounded corners/cellophane. That said, I think Strange Days is revelatory, but LA Woman is still a great success. LA Woman, much like the S/T album has that live, spontaneous feel to it. The QRP seems to capture that better than I have ever heard it. Palasr, do you have the QRP Strange Days.
Vinylvin- I had a friend over, and played Strange Days for him. He is an audiophile, but not really a huge Doors fan. Anyway, he was quite impressed, and bought his own copy. I also think Strange Days is excellent. So bottom line: I would suggest LA Woman, but not if you think Strange Days is simply good.