Greatest Composers of All Time

I found this list that might be of interest to the minority of audiophiles that are actually interested in classical music.
Greatest Composers
Tostadosunidos..Mozart and Beethoven are the same generation..not a generation later. Mozart was born in 1756 and Beethoven was born in 1770. There has always been speculation that Beethoven had two private meetings with Mozart in Vienna in the Spring of 1787. Beeethoven was 16.
It was Beethoven's first trip to Vienna, but he had to return to Bonn in July upon receiving news his Mother was dying. Mozart died in December 1791 at the age of 35 from kidney failure. Several month's later Beethoven returned to Vienna and resided their until his death in March of 1827.
Audiozen, your statement in your first post today is incorrect. Wagner is the most written about figure in classical music, by miles. In fact, at one point, he was the third most written about figure in the Western world, behind only Christ and Napoleon. This was true in the late 1980s, anyway, and I seriously doubt any other composer has passed him in the 45 years or so since.
If Beethoven was 16 he as not yet started (he lived another 50+ years) and Mozart was 32 and almost finished. Mozart was at the very front end of public concerts and publishing. These were far better established by the time Beethoven came of age (I think).

I have a friend who was a father at 17, grandfather at 34 and great-grandfather at 50. This was certainly not uncommon in the 18th century. I don't regard those two men as from the same generation. I don't regard someone 16 years older or younger than myself as the same generation.
Learsfool.."Wagner is the most written about"...My post state's on Beethoven that book's published on Composer's that he has the largest volume of published books in print. Having owned a Publishing company for over ten year's and having done a major research project on Beethoven in 1998, his record with published book's is a statistical fact. I said nothing about "most written about", just books in print.
Well Audiozen, if you are referring to Beethoven's Piano Concertos vs Mozarts' piano concertos I'm not too sure I'm with you on that one. Yes, Beethoven's 5 concertos are all masterpieces but are they readily acknowledged as besting Mozart's last 10 say? Not to my ears, they're all great and memorable pieces in their own right. Interestingly listening to Beethoven's first you might well believe you are listening to Mozart, so obvious is his influence.