What's going on with Mobile Fidelity?

I like this label a lot for the generally very high quality reissues and a great catalog that is continually expanding. But what is up with the crazy wait time for their pre-orders? I've had Santana III on pre-order since February, and was told by MoFi reps they expected to have it released by mid-March. Well, it's the end of April and still waiting...

I noticed quite a few of their advertised pre-orders are still in that status after more than half a year of being featured on record retailers' websites. Rickie Lee Jones, several Billy Joel albums, already mentioned Santana, a few Foreigner albums, Miles Davis "Kind of Blue," just to mention a few. I understand creating a buzz around new releases that are in the pipeline as a marketing strategy, but if you can't get it to market in half a year or more, I find it somewhat incompetent and almost tantamount to false advertising. I certainly do not appreciate paying for a product that the company seems to have no firm grip on delivering in a reasonably timely manner. Anyone else frustrated by this?
Go get the K2 HD "Kind of Blue". I can't imagine the MoFi could be better. It is simply "Live".
I am thinking that there are a limited # of pressing plants. OTOH, I think that MFSL is 'testing' the buyer market w/ their pre-order system. Not much interest = longer wait times.
I just bought the MOFI SACD Hybrid of Dylan's 'Blood on the Tracks'. It sounds analogue to my ears but I'm only hearing the CD layer. It was worth the $25.00 with a trade in. I would purchase the MOFI vinyl as well but they refuse to release mono pressings and I only have a mono cartridge.
A friend lent me a few MOFI CD's that he had transferred over from vinyl and they sound better than I expected but not quite as good as the SACD. Anyway, what is with their stubborn defiance to release mono recordings? The Beatles mono releases were a hit with Beatles fans.
Goofy...MOFI has released, (or will release) a few mono lps. Granted, not very many, but a few.

There are a couple Frank Sinatra, one Ray Charles, a couple of Miles Davis and I thought I had read that a couple of the upcoming Dylan would be mono.

I agree they could do more, but I'm pretty sure that the master rights are separate for stereo and mono tapes, so MOFI would have to pay for each version. I bet the stereo LPs way outsell the mono reissues. It's probably an economics situation.
Mofimadness, I agree with what you've said. One can just compare how many mono cartridges are sold to that of stereo to understand the logistics behind the said marketing. I'll be looking forward to the Dylan mono pressings with great anticipation.