Songs With Best Ending

What songs do you think have the best endings? It could be the last minute or so, or maybe just the last chord. I'm not interested in the beginning or the middle, just the ending. Rock, classical, pop, jazz, any genre.

Here's the start of a list:

Love Reign O'er Me - The Who
1812 Overture - Tchaikovsky
Middle of the Road - Pretenders
Pictures at an Exhibition - Mussorgsky
The Musical Box - Genesis
Love to Love - UFO
Not sure but, is that not 'united' we stand? Just because we're together doesn't mean we're united, right? I love a good debate:)
Damn I've just sold my original UK issue album with lyrics and forgot them right away, but you might be right!
I Don't Need No Doctor / Humble Pie
Heartbreaker / Grand Funk Railroad
Always was a sucker for false endings.
"Her majesty's a pretty nice girl, but she doesn't have a lot to say...someday I'm gonna make her mine, oh yeah..."