Best subwoofer?

Considering the Meridian front end viz G68/98 with my atc.Unsure between the Revel ultima and atc sub(C6) and velodyne DD18.Have a pair of ATC 150 asl pro.Thoughts?Also have a VSEI modded Sony scd-1(presently getting the 5.5 mod)
I am very happy with my Vandersteen SW2 sub. I am sure for more money you can get a better sub but not perhaps better value. Also what is important is how the sub intergrates with the main speakers. Having the best rated won't always work out.
I found that Wilson Audio's demo of the Genelec at last years CES was pretty telling of what you get for the money! Actully don't take my word for it go to Wilson's website under news and views and see for yourself what's actually inside a Genelec vs a Wilson Watch dog VERY SCARY what some manufactures slap together and call it ground breaking or cutting edge !. I don't own a Wilson watch dog or anything i just thought it was a very effective demo.
Revel Sub 30, one of the best. you owe it to yourself to ck this sub out. gets down low. great for music as well as HT
For High-End stereo, try a REL Studio - Its the best out there. Any REL really. Especially the "ST" range.