Best movies last two years

I haven't watched many dramas lately. Best was "Love Song for Bobby ...".

What have you enjoyed ?
recently watched: Two French films made in 1987. Jean de Florette and Manon of the Spring. A quiet epic made into two movies best watched as a whole - Manon is the sequel. It tells the story of Jean de Florette and his family, is set in Provance, and is a Greek tragedy that quietly expands as the story goes and doesn't stop resonating until the last scene.
I didn't realize "Manon" was a sequel. May I recommend "Kinky Boots" and Ozu's "Floating Weeds" (the original version)? The later version of "Floating Weeds" was playing on IFC the other night, and I was surprised; not anywhere near as good. I'm trying to think of a weirder double bill than the two above, but not coming up with much... Usually every time I see another "working class" film out of the UK, I think that I've seen it before; they're all kind of the same. Well "Kinky Boots" isn't.
more recently...not a movie per se, but the update on what is I think perhaps the greatest documentary of all time 7 up....this year 49 up. Basically a documentary about kids of different social classes in the UK...revisit them every 7 years: started at age 7, most recent one in 49 years of age...simply amazing: crucially, not judgemental nor preachy....we see them for ourselves and make our own judgments....started out as a comment on social classes but now really about life itself. Most highly recommended. Make sure you see the whole thing starting with 7 Up.
I agree with Henryhk; if not the greatest/best documentary of all time, it's . I saw 49 up! last week. I took his advice about 10 years ago and watched them from them beginning (7 up). I am glad that Danny (one of the participants) is doing better. Also, being 51, it's like watching my own life.
Of movies I have seen in the last several months which I liked...
"Layer Cake",
"Munich" (coincidentally both featuring Daniel Craig, the newest James Bond), "Talladega Nights" which I expected to really hate but was "forced" into on a recent flight and really liked,
"Match Point" - one of Woody Allen's more recent ones...,
"Le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain" (great french flick from a few years ago),
"Children of Men" - I saw recently and it was quite good I thought,
and because 'tis (approaching) the season... I am constantly amazed by...
"The Nightmare Before Christmas"