Lived up to or beyond the hype for 2005.

Your most satisfying hardware (including accessories) purchase(s) during the past year.
Good thread. Best of my '05 upgrades : Speltz anti- cables, Cary 303-300 , Prima-Luna pro-2 , Jolida tuner and Tungsram NOS tubes.
Speakers that still amaze me: Green Mountain Audio Callisto

Amplifier: Cary Rocket 88R

Cardas: Power Cords, IC and Speaker Cable
Something old--EVS Millennium DAC II
Something new--Auricle Audio Signature Encore Digital IC
Together these two bring me the same pleasure I experienced listening to my ideal, the Reimyo setup I could not afford.
And, don't laugh--Brilliant Pebbles and Clever Little Clock (my wife already did the laughing for you). Note I am still waiting for the promised upgrade which will actually provide a new feature, flashing the correct time like the dumb conventional clocks in my house:>)
I upgraded from stock power cords to Harmonic Tech. and one Electraglide. My only regret is that I didn't do this sooner. The funny thing I would tell my friend about it & he would run away every time he saw me. He decided to give it a try and all I hear from him is how well his systen sound with good powercords. Makes an audiophile feel warm & fuzzy all over.