WAF - Wife Acceptance Factor

Much has been written in these threads about the dreaded WAF, or wife acceptance factor. It usually entails making a compromise, or not getting that perfect speaker, or amp, or ... Well you get the picture.

But tell the truth guys. Haven't there been times when wifey actually helped?

In my case, I casually mentioned to my wife that the picture quality of my front projector would be much improved if I could better cotrol the light in the den. So what did she do?

She put up nice thick curtains. It not only blocks the light and makes the den like a cave, it also improves the diffuse surround sound field with the absorptive material. What a gal!

Would love to hear your stories. :o)

His wife brings in the bacon so he can stay at home, raise the kids (something he absolutely adores doing) and practice his drumming. While what his wife did to him was rather cold hearted, I don't think he really wants to change his domestic situation.
You will like thisone.
My wife told me I could have a lot of items but never A recliner. She feels any man who sits in a recliner becomes useless, so no recliner. So agreeing with my wife I said okay I will not get A recliner. When setting up my HT/Music room for seating I desided on 3 powered recliners and had them delivered. Low and behold as they were being assembled the wife comes home and says I thought we agreed you could not buy A recliner. I looked at my wife and said yes we agreed I would not buy A recliner so I purchased 3 recliners not one. She looked at me with those loving eyes an said okay you got me by getting 3 of them but you will pay. Also who did I find sleeping in the new recliners tbe next day mid afternoon but the wife, talk about useless when in a recliner.
My wife is so cool for my last birthday she bought me a 300 LP rack for my MAN room. But if she ever catches me watching Howard TV I may be sleeping in the garage.
I always ask the question prior to buying something (out of courtesy), 'do you mind If I buy such and such piece of equipment', I always get the same answer 'if we can afford it', I always reply 'of course we can dear'.Then I ask her for a check to buy said item.
Seems like a good arrangement to me.