Do you own the Jeff Beck "Best Of " Live CD?

If your a Jeff Beck fan, the Official Bootleg USA '06 CD is a must have! It is a live recording from his '06 concert tour which I was fortunate enough to see twice. Seeing Jeff perform live leaves you with the impression that all other electric guitarists have some practicing to do. He can play as hard and fast as Eddie, as sweet as Eric, riff power chords as good as Jimmy and on and on. The CD and concert are a set list spanning his career and the only down side is him encoring "Rainbow" instead of "A Day In The Life". You can get a copy at his official website. The live recording is excellent! Do yourself a favor.
the real irony is... he's still 'the best' and his one true love is car collecting, not guitar playing. oh well....Michael Bloomfield (bless his soul)was another guy with the talent of 'ten', and never even tried.