Hi Dave,
LENCO isn't ready yet due to the fact that initial preparation/restoration and extensive search for useful ideas took longer then expected. Becoming a member of Lencolovers was the best thing I have done so far. Ton of information there. It's a highly regarded community of knuckleheads (in a good way) with dedication and knowledge that I was feeding on for the past month. Regarding progress on Lenco, it looks as follow:
* all parts were checked, re-lube and cleaned
* materials for plinth and general design were chosen.
Check the link below:
* Templates were made and ready for "shop work".
* Most of the necessary materials were ordered and are ready to go. Exceptions are custom platter and top plate.
Today, I worked on ext. plinth lines of the plinth and arm boards. Should have this done by Friday. When finished - all inside/outside and arm boards templates will be used for the actual fabrication. Hopefully this Saturday. Having quality templates are up most of importance for me. From there everything should fall in place with ease.
As you can clearly see, the most difficult for me was actual preparation and educating my self to get complete confidence with this project.
Plinth it self isn't complicated or difficult, however few aspects of the design had to be address to make it work.
Isolation/vibration control (two peace plinth & iso. platform ) and accommodation of two completely different arms ( uni-pivot and linear-tracking tonearm ). I also try to do some research on different approach in TT stand design and its benefits or shortcomings. At the end I chose to build the rack/stand with the combination of different techniques that I thing might work. Besides it will be a lot cheaper and more flexible the anything on the market right now.
Another TT got a makeover in the mid-time. This one - I want it to sell or trade but it did not work out. I was a little puzzled what to do with it. Knowing that Lenco proj.
will take some time, I decided to give it another chance.
MMF-7's weakest points are: vibrations and arm. Motor isn't perfect neither but it is what it is and had to be used to keep the expenses down. New bamboo plinth & stand weight at least 60 pounds. Cut out for motor and adj. arm board was made to reduce surface noise. It was pretty easy and it took about 8h (total) to make and another 1-2h for final adj.
It looks good and sound on par with any other TT up to 3G.
On top of the original price that I pay for MMF-7($950), $950-arm/cable, $70 bamboo BB, cart I got from a trade, $25-isol-blocks, spikes removed from the original MMF-7, $5 accessories.
Total $1050, minus price payed for MMF-7. Was it worth it?............For me.....YES.
But if someone was interested in TT like this one, it would cost a lot less.
Motor - $150
Plate - $80
Upgraded belt - $25 + arm and cart of your choice.
With Rega 300 and Denon 103-103R = $800, cable?- $100used,
other materials - $100
Total - about $1255
For the money of the original MMF-7 you gone have a KILLER TT.
See link below:
Happy listening