If you started over what would you do differently?

We've all learned a lot through our purchases and experience. If you were to start all over again, what would you have done differently?
1. When I am happy w/ the sound of my system, be happy w/ what I have.
2. Spend my money on other things I enjoy also instead of jumping on the never-ending upgrading journey.
3. Buy the best turn table combo that I could afford.
I had four JBL L200 studiomasters in the early 70's.

I ended up selling all four, and have always regretted it. I wish I had kept a spare pair just for the urge to let it loose. They were memorable and I had a ton of fun with those beasts.

I have more accuracy, transparency, and other audio checklist stuff in my current system but I miss the efficiency and dynamics that the JBL's produced.
I am not sure I would do anything differently if we are talking audio equipment here. I like my system. To do something different would mean not liking my system.

There is no need to go back and change things, since there is nothing stopping me from changing things now if I wanted to. There are some things I wish I still owned, but they would probably be worn out by now if I had kept them. A lot of them can be replaced used anyway.

As a matter of fact there is something I repurchased later. I sold it years ago for $1000; bought the same thing last year for $185. If I had kept it I'd be $815 poorer.

Steelhead....I have a pair of JBL L80 sitting around in storage, probably never to be used. Not as big, but similar.
I would have taken better care of my records and I definitely would have gone and seen Muddy Waters & Howlin' Wolf in person. (And not one of those "Father & Sons" things, but the real deal at some club on the west side of Chicago). I never saw Freddy King either.
I have been interested in audio for the last 36 years and have always had multiple systems. I have been actively swapping out equipment in the name of upgrading only for the last 7 years. So what did I forget 7 years ago ... very simple, upgrading is vertical, not horizontal. A few top pieces trumps several middle level pieces any day. Wasted a few grand screwing around with a number of small popular monitors not worth snot, when one really good pair would have done the trick.

Regards, Rich