The best hifi magazine?

Which hifi magazine do you think is the best in the world?
I don't know about the best, but the Absolute Sound ("TAS"), with the exception of Anthony Cordesman, is a joke in its latest incarnation. Most of the reviews state that the component being reviewed is the very best the reviewer has heard - they write the same review over and over, changing only the name of the component. There are no measurements (Stereophile's measurements are very helpful), only subjective comment that sounds like ad copy (NO - more enthusiastic than ad copy). Lastly, Ali Baba Harry Pearson is an intolerable windbag with zero credibility -- every component he writes up is the "very best" ever heard at "Seacliff". In any event, it is mostly the readers' fault, as what TAS is doing is not subtle and anyone who would read more than three or four editions is an idiot.
I can see that many of you are not happy for TAS. Have you ever written to TAS, what you think they could do better?

In Denmark, we just give feedback to HIGH fidelity, and they are open for feedback, and they listen to it with interest. But of course TAS is a little bit bigger, but does it matter.
TAS in its current incarnation is lacking in credibility. They need to clean out some lockers and put a moratorium on the seemingly neverending proclamations that almost every new component being reviewed is the best that reviewer has ever heard.