Listen friend, the Siemens is superior from top to botton all day long!!
And twice on Sunday!!
And twice on Sunday!!
I have the blue pointed head Tele CCa (without the <> ) I think it is a special order from Siemens. They are unbelievably better (organic, weight, tonality) than the Semens CCa (definition, clarity, no bass & weight)that comes 2nd (but not close) & miles away of the Tele ECC88 (thick, homogenise bass, no detail & definition). Now bear in mind that these 3 tubes are by far better than : ITT (polite & laidback), Siemens ECC88 (complete but low-fi), EAT ECC88 Diamond (-a Tesla in tuxedo- dirty HF, etched). Unfortunatelly I didn't have the original Tele CCa to comment. I test them in my active battery pre-pre. Regards George |
My list of premium ECC88 6DJ8 tubes I had an opportunity to test: "The best ever ECC88 / E88CC / 6DJ8 / 6922" is CCa Siemens gray shield Than: Philips Miniwatt E188CC 7308 two stars Next one is:CCa Siemens silver shield I didn't listen Telefunken CCa, but I tested E88CC 6922 Siemens and E88CC Telefunken 6922 diamond bottom and Siemens gray shield is much better than both of them. Enjoy the music! |
The Telefunkens CCa is too bright on top for my ears -- too much treble energy -- but this finding is altogether system-dependent. I have found an inexpensive ECC88 that really sings in my system, i.e., one that was made for Siemens in the Tesla Rosnov factory during the Cold War. Often these were labeled 'Made in West Germany' but the factory code indicates the Rosnov plant in Czechoslovakia. I use these in my Jotas, and find them to be quiet, strong, durable and lovelier than Telefunken CCa in my rig. Also, I compared them to the Siemens E188CCs in my collection, but ended up preferring the Rosnov 'Siemens' in my Art Audio gear. |