Wedding toasts... let's hear them

I have a wedding this weekend and still haven't decided on a toast... please post up any which you consider good.

not sure it's good for a wedding, but i've always liked:

"may misfortune follow you all of your life and never catch up."
"As we family and freinds come together to witness
this bi-amping meld into mono. And as freshly cleaned virgin vinyl is best the first time it is played. It can only deteriate as dust and cracks and pops appear. Remember that the music remains the same and remember not to let the surface noise detract from the music you invested in the first place. And most importantly, as the man of the house please remember to keep the remote always close at hand so you can drown her nagging *ss out at any given moment, but with caution because she and only she can shout louder than Mcintosh MC1201's and B&W 802's at full volume."

those are all great. I'd write 'em down and combine them for my toast... especially that one about blending into mono, and your past best day being your future worst one.
A Toast to the guests.... Raise your glasses in cheer, for I would rather drink with you all than the finest people on earth. Cheers