Which components are "stupid good"?

Which components, known to be outstanding in their category, have a performance to price differential such that they can truly be called "stupid good?"
The deHavilland Ultraverve preamplifier...

Wait for it.......Wait for it.....here comes the audiofeel
Tube Research Dude (also the Samson amps). Tube Audio Labs TADAC (DAC). Eagle amplifiers.
I have to include the Vh Audio V/Caps into this group..Though maybe not considered a component,they sure qualify for the " Stupid Good " category...Both the CuTf and the TfTf,are exceptional..It just becomes a matter of
which version Cap best fits your needs.
I tried both versions and ended up with the CuTf caps..Not cheap,but considering the upgrade in performance,they are well worth the price.....
The Sangeon hdt-1 HD radio at under $200 is a steal ,buy the Marnum Dynalabs whip antenna for $100 and you have a killer setup ,just remember to use a decent power cord , and at least a $100 set of interconnects.
15" Tannoy Gold's in an appropriate cabinet is the best deal I can think of.
Mastersound's Integrateds are also pretty hard to beat for the price.