isolation transformer

Hi, I would like to hear from fellow Audiogoners what they think whether or not the use of an isolation transformer for the front end gear (CD player/DAC/Phono) is worthwhile.
According to a well known Swiss manufacturer/distributor the use of an isolation transformer has profound effects on sonics (more detail, better bass, etc.). These effects are more pronounced when using silver wire for the transformer. Do you agree with these statements? What would be better: using a smaller transformer with silver wire (say 200VA) or a bigger one, using copper wire (1200VA)? Thx in advance for your response.
Lak, What I am thinking of is something like the T-4 you have on the main rack for the front end. As far as I know, the new one from Exact Power is the only thing comparable being made. I looked at having a pair of large isolation transfomers installed in the basement, but the layout posed some problems and I think I scared the electrician. He couldn't figure out why anyone would want to do that. Instead I put an Exact Power EP15A in which handles one of the two amps and all the front end gear. I am looking for a second one for the second amp. I think a multi-transformer unit like the T-4 could either be plugged into one of the EP-15A's or into its own dedicated line. But its got to be QUIET. With everything I have described here I don't think I have a need for the brutes in the basement.

Maybe a pair of PS Audio UPC-200 would suffice. Those would provide 4 zones of isolation.
I only use "Isolation Transformer" when working on high voltage equipment, like TV's and tube amps. I have never thought that a isolation transformer would serve in a manner stated above. I believed the function of an isolation transformer was to provide a saftey net of sorts, seperate you from the ac mains. I guess I learn every day. I will try my isolation tranny in my rig to see what happens.
Sorry to dissapoint,but I believe that T4's are extremely rare and hard to find.I would love one also.Member "Psycicanimal" has two of them,but told me they were impossible to find.He was lucky.
Excuse late response. Just been browing around an found this.

Beowulf, what you're looking for is a Q-rated transformer. GE made several such as my 5KVA 9T21B1004G2, which is silent. That is an industrial, general purpose and very heavy transformer that I found on Ebay. Signal also makes unboxed versions. Converting either to balanced AC is easy.
I use a 1 KVA and a 3.7 amp Topaz on my Digital gear with great results. But after checking out Lak's system I'll be dreaming of power tonight. really nice set up Lak very well done.