Here is an interesting memory from the man who 'bank-rolled' the Garrot Bros. it contains some insights into the properties of styli and cantilevers:-
elroyvomlacheren -- Sat, 12/18/2010 - 06:01
The missing link
I stumbled over some posts about the late Garrott bros, and though I usually never blog nor use any forums, I thought it adequate to clear some of the thoughts, feelings and obscure history of the Garrott Bros. Some posts were right and brought warm and hurting memories and some were dead wrong. The ones who remember the Garrott family well remember them as living in an enclosed space, very isolated from the world around them. They concentrated on their work and left the world pass by. In the quietness and peacefullness of their living they mastered cartridge repairing, retipping and building never achieved by anyone in the past nor up today. I had first contact with the Garrott brothers at the age of fifeteen, which was over 30 years back from now. Half a child but most enthusiastic about HiFi I digged out their address to make first contact. At that time, there was no net - we had telex, letterpost ans later faxmachines. I still remember the day to have Johns voice on my phoneanswering machine. I was too scared to called back - I was still at school learning English as my fourth foreign language amd it took me two days to find the courage calling him. Finally made it and he was surprised that I wanted to meet them in Oz. It was very exceptional back the to fly to Oz amd back to Europe - Oz was a one way destination and at that age it really must have been exceptional. We immediately became friends. In fact, as they did not have children they kind of adopted me to their family, and as it was the way they lived, all in secrecy. Over the years the did teach me all of their secrets and they remain in my hands still. After my frist degree I entered university and studied design, architectury and engineering and I addem my knowledge to the projects we had. I was working in secrecy in OZ over the Euro winter I brought my findings to Oz. While we had the retipping service for all cartridges around the world (except for Linn, which John thought was a non honest company and refused to work on any Linn cartridge) there was the P66 and P77 cartridge. HiFi circles all seem to need a topic to dial in, they did on the diamond. In fact, the diamond is an essential part of the whole component, but only one. The same importance goes to the allingment, the mounting , the rake, the length of the cantilever, the material, the magnetic construction, the damping, the coil assembly, the field arrangemet, the inductance and much more. As usual, the hifi comunity reduced it to the A&E with Garrott stylus, which was fine for us and still makes me smile by today. It did't change much when I added the leaflet where the cartridges were named "dynamic coil". It should at least make people think that the dynamic change from the A&E to a P66/77 did NOT come from the diamond. I did have a good free lance job for Lamorghini Spa. then and it was partly about suspension and damping, which makes the difference for a car going fast or slow, but customers thinking about the horsepower. Same with cartridges. The secret really lay in the dynamic balance of the moving parts. As the P66 and P77 were for Brian and John Garrott, we made a set of 3 cartridges, the K1/K2/K3 to represent or 3 party, as I became a full Garrott family member and the K series came from my idea to make a lower cost series to give more people the chance to enjoy vinyl. By that time CD was in the wake and I thought it best to fight it in the beginning. The K series were fixture mounted diamonds, which were less expensive to make, but still had the exceptional polis all our diamonds had - exceptional. to say the least. The were round/eliptic/parabolic.shape. They were fully balanced, as were the P66(elliptic)P77(parabolic MScanner). They were differently balanced, as the tip mass was different from the K to the P series. I then initiated the making of a series of MC cartridges. 3 for us all - the blackP87 elliptical, the red P88 parabolic and the goldenP89 MScanner. We made the housings, printings anodisations here in Switzerland and used parts from our watchmaking industry. I did read that somewhere that they were affraid of the Cd and dwindling sales. This is dead wrong. The company was fully backed by my finances of 2Mio$US at Westpackbank. I wanted to give them their love back so I gave them the possibility to live the way they were used to and made their work excell. They never had any financial problems, and all they ever produced was bought by myself or backed by myself untill they got payed by their customers. We made batches of the P87/88/89 in the size of 400/400/200pcs. over the years. I was running a repairstation for ProHifi for Radio and TV servicing EMT's and Ortofons. While the MC-type P series were made for the then used mid mass arms which needed mid compliance cartridges, I had to service the tractors style types over here. I made retippings with Garrott round and elliptical styli for SPU's and the made a pro cartridge available in Switzerland only called the True Blue. 30pcs. batch, low compliance cross coil Garrott suspension style, aluminum cantilever with a Weintz parabolic. This was a wonderfull cartridge, but for heavy mass arms only. So we had two chains - I was on the pro heavy mass work and the Garrotts were on the HiFi medium mass. It was the time of the so called sharp needles - the then S-nadel was made by Gyger over here and marketed by VdH. He later renamed it VdH, but actually is a Gyger S. Friend of the Garrotts remember they did not dring alcohol. They still had fun getting a booze. After watching Roos around Cox's river road, we mounted a Gyger on a P89 and really got the booze - phasey and not natural. I should mention the importance of balanced weights. We have had around 100 types of diamonds, some with same shape but different weight, which is very important. We had multiple types of cantilever, aluminum, boron rods and tubes, with and without drill, Berillium strights, conicals, flat tops, flat tops with slits, ruby and so on. The magic always layed in the balance, not in the individual part. It is a very common missunderstanding that the stiffer the cantilever the better the sound because of lower transmission loss. Most cantilevers do not allow a mechanical rigid mounting of the diamond mechanically except for the glue. In this case aluminum is the best fixture possible with the lowest loss. Then the cantilever does NOT end at the coil armature. In fact, it ends within the backside polepiece, and the suspension wire is part of the cantilever, so the ultra rigid boron rod cantilever transferes the energy to the supple suspension wire which resonates much more than it would with an aluminum one. I will not discuss on cartridge building but would like to focus the reader on the real work we did at Garrott bros. If you would have sent the lets say a working Kiseki, you would have received a much better balanced Kiseki back without changing the stylus nor the cantilever. We did have the very best years all the way untill John got ill. It was a hard time as it was not sure if his sickness could be treated or not. As they were living as a party of 4 their very long live, isolated in the blue mountains, in the bushes behind Merimbula it was hard to immagine for Brian to go on without his brother. He took his time of from their house way behind Bega and headed for Merimbula again and think about the future. It was difficult to get in cintact with all of them. John was at his hous with Normita Gerrott and Brian away with Teresita and looking back they tried out how life would be parted in two. Tears run over my face when remembering those difficult times, which I thought would be more easy to remember after 20 years have passed now, but it is still too hurting. I got my last call from Brian after his turning back 3 weeks before they commited suicide, which they did in secrecy, as thethe distributor chain, which seems to be y could not immagine to ever part from each other. I excuse for not beeing able to think nor write about it. I was informed about the tragedy by the local police and then had to arrange according to their wills. I was not able to lay my hands on any cartridge for years as the memories were to hard. I only kept the proparts I was involved with anyway, and the rest was auctioned. The company was bought by Philippe Luder of Melbourne who was well known to John and Brian and they felt that their name would be in good hands and stayed in OZ. I incognito visited the company to see if they follow the will and ideal of the Garrott bros and I was very pleased that they really do their best to live up to the Garrott bros name. Though the current P88 is different to the late P88, it still uses the same body and some identical design features, and it is fair to make the best out of the currently availeable parts, which I very much believe they do. I warmly would recommend a try. I am not in any way anymore related to Garrott bros, but remember my family each and every miunte of my life. Thank you