Can metal chassis become defective? I

I have learned from a top repair technician with 45 years experiance that all internal electronic components can go bad after enough time (resister, caps,tubes) INCLUDING the actual metal chassis. He claimed that if an old unit is not working that you could replace ALL the electronic components and it still may never work because the metal chassis is WORN OUT. His theory is that the electrons that go into the chassis ground have (over the years) filled up the outer atomic orbitals and interatomic space with too many (used) electrons forced into the metal (aluminum for example) and that the metal is now defective for a ground chassis SINCE THERE IS NO SPACE LEFT FOR THE ELECTRONS. The metal is WORN OUT. It becomes a radioactive isotope of aluminum since there are excessive electrons in the outer orbitals, and unusable as an electronic chassis. If this is not the case then where do the electrons go if the chassis is not grounded to true earth ground (cold water pipe only)or through a proper three prong plug?
Mint, I apologize for questioning your previous assessments of 78 records. It is apparent from your last two posts that you have an inside line on audio reproduction that the rest of us can never hope to achieve.

On a side note, please email me the source of your hallucinogens as my broker is evidently providing me with inferior goods.
Herman: I accept your apology. I listen to only 80 year old Direct "eated" triode type 45 tube amps. The 45 tube amps are well known for their "Psychodelic" properties, images dance in space. After only 25 minutes of listening the world appears to resemble a Salvadore Dali painting, replete with melting flowers and swirling colors and sensory/auditory halluciations. I find that if I can overlook the the addictive quality of these hallucinogenic output tubes, then on occasion I am able to expand my consciousness and "TUNE-IN" and "TURN-ON" to the Universal Messages that normal "unstoned" sand based audiophiles are completely unaware of. When the listening session is over and I have come down from my High (fidelity) I am filled with new insight, and expanded consciousness as to the proper path I must now follow, "DROP-OUT" of the main stream of audio back into the Golden Era from 1928 to 1948 of true audio Delirium. After many of these psychodelic listening sessions I am now able to see clearly with my ears and hear with my eyes and have opened the Doors of Perception to Perception to see the World as it actually is- Sound Vibrations-;this ultimate Realization and Enlightenment has caused my total abandonmet of the current Audio ESTABLISHMENT. When my eyes are opened by this means, and the ages of brainwashing by Establisment Hi-Fi Companies is removed and I can then plainly see and hear the uncolored, undistorted TRUTH , Then Message of the Universe that is now clearly revealed to me is, "Simplify, Simplify". It whispers,"Use the fewest parts, the shortest circuits". Obviously this realization cannot make money for the Corporate capitalist since in their minds Simpler means Less Expensive. A good souce for these Hallucinogenic 45 tube amps are; Don Farber (Fi-X), Jeff Korneff, Wellborne Labs and Home Brew (grow you rown hallucinogens)