Walker EST Silver treatment?

Has anyone used this in their system, and if so did it make a difference sonically? I got a look at it Sunday at the Audio Fest in Denver, and I am definitely intrigued. Wondering if it is a worthwhile tweak.
Hello Arafel,Do an Audiogon search ,there are a few threads about the Walker SST that would be of interest to you,I use it on my power cords and ICs ,,,,made a good overall improvement to the sound of my system,not like a nite to day diff. but def. worth the money,but do heed Mikelavignes advice!
I also give the Walker Extreme SST a big thumbs up. Once again, carefully applied this contact enhancer just seems to enable the music to flow with less impedence. Like another veil has been lifted, so to speak.

I have used the original, and then the Extreme SST with fine results. In one system I simply used for power cord connections. In another system I used for RCA IC connectors along with power cords. Can't seem to get up the courage for vacuum tube pins, because of sporadic reports of inappropriate spread of the product down into equipment.
Following Walker's precise instructions, and seeing how very tiny is the coating applied (leaving 99% of a jar unused) there really should not be a product migration problem.
Perhaps someone who ran into the need to repair component after using silver treatment can comment on whether there was more than a minute coating on the tube pins.
In my experience everything about the sound got better, kind of an equal opportunity tweak. As it is applied on more connecting points along the electrical and signal passing wiring there is an increasing benefit.
I use it on tube pins, all ICs, speaker cables and the Isoclean fuses in my LC-2 power cords. Normal people who follow directions should never have a problem with migration.
I've used both the standard SST and the Extreme. Both are great, but I like the Extreme quite a bit better. I use it on most of my system connections, and it's provided a level of clarity and resolution that is nothing short of stunning. Well worth the rather high asking price (for the Extreme, that is).