Walker EST Silver treatment?

Has anyone used this in their system, and if so did it make a difference sonically? I got a look at it Sunday at the Audio Fest in Denver, and I am definitely intrigued. Wondering if it is a worthwhile tweak.
George, there is no need to re-apply unless you disconnect. The effect of the treatment does not "fade" over time as long as not disconnected. While the instructions do say you may connect and re-connect multiple times (as John points out), pay attention to what you hear. Sometimes you do need to re-apply upon disconnecting/re-connecting. Lloyd has updated his instructions as follows:
"Before reconnecting, it is beneficial to take a used applicator with the SST wiped off (some will still be embedded in the applicator) and spread over the connector. This will help to distribute the SST that remains on the connector. If you reapply it, make sure there is not excessive SST on the connector. If there is, clean it as directed above before applying more." http://www.walkeraudio.com/sst.htm
I have used Loyd's SST and now EST in my system for the past year and love it. I have not found it to migrate. The most apparent and initial observation in my system was that the volume was instantly louder and far more transparent. About 6 months ago Loyd sent a gratis bottle of his Extreme SST which after cleaning all of the old off my connections I applied. I must admit that I found little if any noticeable sonic improvement between the SST and the Extreme SST

Here are links to my system


Thank you all for the explanation.I will go ahead and try the product.