Paging Mr. Albert Porter

Hi Albert, Its been about a year since you got your Dali Mega-Liners. You were nice enough to share your opinions regarding their sound in your system here on the Gon and Positive Feedback Online at the beginning of your audtion process.( An unbelievable long break in, your desire to change certain parts, and waiting to have the external crossovers replaced with custom tube ones, if I remember correctly) Well, what has happened? What's the verdict? Are you a happy audiophile with Dali's now? It would be greatly appreciated if you would share the, "current state of the art" regarding your speakers. I'll thank you in advance.
Are speakers any good if you have to do THAT much work to them, or are you never happy? seems a bit odd to me, but god bless.
Are speakers any good if you have to do THAT much work to them, or are you never happy?....

Nah--it's called *audiophillia*.

The mod Dan Wright did to my little ribbon powered Swans was more expensive than the speakers. Audiophillia again...


Regardless of which speaker I had chosen, my performance standards are sufficiently high enough, that mods would have probably been required on whatever I bought.

The list started with (in no particular order) Wilson Maxx 2, Maggie 20.1, Martin Coltrane, Avalon Diamond, Sound-Lab Ultimates (replacing same) Kharma 1De and Dali Megaline.

The crossover on my Sound-Lab had been rebuilt so many times, the only thing original was the metal back plate itself. Those upgrades, custom loading bags for the uprights, custom machined parts for the frame and ballasts transformed an excellent speaker into an unbelievable speaker.

Had a speaker other than the Dali been chosen, the same work (may) have applied. I did not go that way so I cannot detail in advance what might have been required.

What I do know for certain, the maggie 20.1 has a disaster for a crossover and I had two crossovers planned and designed. One at $3800.00 and one at $4200.00. Other speakers had various things I was checking on when I decided on the Dali Megalines.

All this is relative as to what you expect. If your happy with everything "out of the box," then lucky for you.

I have been in this so long my expectations are different and I will not throw away the possibility of making drastic improvements to my speaker of choice. That being said, I'll wager I could have made any of the speakers on my list much better performers and I'll also wager I could transform your speakers too.

This of course assumes you wanted EXACTLY what I want as far as sound. Your comments seem to indicate that is not the case, so you can be happy where you are and I will continue to work my system until I reach my goal.
Well Albert if you will flip the bill, come on down and work your magic hehehe. As a side note I know how it is to want to squeak out everything possible from any peice of gear, the money you put in is just stagering to me in my situation, no offense intended...god bless the quest!