Dakiom stabilizers vs Bybee purifiers.

can someone in laymans terms tell me the difference between Bybee purifers and dakiom stabilizers?
I am using a good number of Bybee purifiers and the second generation Dakioms and the results are great. I have a modified Jolida 1000 amp with four Bybee purifiers-two on the input side for the intergrated pre-amp and two on the output from the amp side. In addition I have bybees per electrostatic speaker. The addition of the Dakioms has added more clarity to the details of the music. I am hearing the surrounding instruments more clearly than I had before. In other words the focus is not just on the featured performer, I am getting more of a perception of a group of musicians. There is nothing muffled about what I am hearing. The sound is crystal clear. The bass lines have become more focused - and that is the correct way to describe it. It is not an over emphasis, it just appears closer to the experience of the real thing. I orginally saw the Dakiom ads and dismissed them as more audio BS. However, I read a review by an engineer that was pretty balanced so I decided to give it a try and I thought that I would probably wind up returning the product. However, I have been pleasently surprised. I have to say to anyone that is interested that the product is very much system dependant. It is not possible for it to work for all the varied audio designs. It is a hit or miss. I was fortunate because it works well with my system.
i had bybee purifiers connected to my fronts and immediately i heard instruments in the background that came forward in the soundstage. i temporarily removed the dakioms from my fronts so i could check out the bybees by themselves.
after a break in period I will re-add the dakioms because I was told that they were two diffeent technologies. one should not defeat what the other was designed to do.
i will enjoy this moment until the next upgrade bug hit
i have dakiom stabilizers on my yamaha rxv1 used as a pre-pro and they are connected to each speaker terminal of my Earthquake cinenova 5 channel amp. i also have bybees connected to the positive terminal of my B&w 801's.
i have been visiting a local high end audio video store listening to my cd's on their equipment. so far my system sounds just as good and sometimes even better than equipment costing thousands of dollars more.
i am getting ready to have my pioneer elite dv37 modifed starting with bybees in the power cord.
the combination of the dakioms and the bybees have worked well for me.
I had the acceptable short speaker wire to amp set up. I then re-arranged my room,and needed to use 8 times as much speaker wire.I went with an inferior grade name brand that I had left over from a home theatre set up,that didn't cost a quarter of my reference 1 metre wire.Guess what? I am hearing all the things that are being described when Bybee or Dakioms are put into a system.Could short speaker wires be detrimental to good sound?Hence the need to use some kind of buffering system?The longer ,cheaper wire wins in better detail retrieval and musicality.I would love to try a long length of quality cable and see if this is even more of an improvement.Anyone have any similar epiphanies?Maybe better sound with longer speaker wire is just a fluke, but it makes the sound of my Classe mono blocks driving my CLS11Z more enjoyable.