Break In Time..just being on...or music played ?

I just recently purchased a new high-end pre-amp and yes, I read the manual concerning ''break in time'' ....but the question that I present here is ; '' Does a new piece of equipment get broken in by just being turned on.....or in the case of my new pre-amp, does it need the usual 100 hours or so of music played through it to get broken in '' ????
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I believe it needs music playing through it. Yes, I think it's mainly the capacitors, but they need to be cycling (storing and releasing energy) to break in.

I just had a great experience using a Granite Audio MC phono burn-in disc to burn in my new phono preamp. I would not have believed the results had I not heard it for myself.

I wouldn't think that you'd need to turn your amp on, just put a cd in and have it repeat through the preamp for a couple of days. That should do wonders. I've found that it makes a bigger difference depending on how many, and how large the caps are. Usually the more caps the more burn-in required, the bigger the sonic difference.

Elizabeth is right.

The electrolytic capacitors have the largest value changes throughout the time hence need to be settled for the proper value.

The circuitry of an amplifier or any electronic device is being built the way that electrolytics will reach their certain expected value after a certain initial time of a powered standby...

The electrolytic caps define the values of the rms voltage applied at the amplification stages(or initial offset) hence carry the main importance in the time to settle.

The signal path circuit elements such as coupling capacitors, input resistors, small signal ICs or transistors will have a negligable differences compared to the electrolytics.