Call your power company and have them test the transformer and install a data recorder at your meter if the CATV and phone grounds are not the problem. CATV and phone must be connected to the same ground rod as the service grounding conductor. Most power companies are required to provide clean power to the service. If you have a well, the ground rod or rods are your ground and the water pipes are not. The pipes are bonded to the ground for saftey. Never ever disconnect the ground wire of the service with the main breaker on. Turn off the main breaker before disconnecting the service grounding conductor. You could get electricuted if you dont. Your lights will dim for 1-3 seconds no matter what the size of the transformer when you AC starts. What you are hearing is probably a 60Hz hum. The hum could be coming in through the neutral from the transformer. If you lift (remove) grounds on your equipment with metal housings, you have a small chance of getting killed. If the power company will not help you do this. Hire an electrician and ask him to connect an outlet directly to the line (street)side of the meter socket. Plug your subwoofer or you whole system into that outlet. If it still hums, complain to your power company about bad power and have them fix it.