First you can try cleaning the laser's lens (be gentle) and/or checking the belt on the CEC if belt driven, but the first two suspects that come to mind are ...
The laser is getting tired, and losing it's ability to read the disc. Generally starts to skip, and eventually will fail altogether, and not read disc at all.
Second could be the spindle motor ... when they begins to wear out, and get tired, they can't ramp the CD up to the "proper speed" (RPMs) for the laser to read the flags on the CD.
In both cases, upon failure your display may read "NO DISC" or throw an error code.
You should send back to factory, or competent local Tech for servicing ... I doubt cleaning at this point will restore either back to thier youth.
I had the Laser assy. replaced in my Denon DVD5000 for just under $200 plus shipping. Not sure what a CD drive replacement would run. I'm sure someone at Conrad or CEC could give you a quote.
Good Luck and Best Wishes, Dave