Lak Needs Transport CD Assistance :-

I have two different transports (a back-up Conrad Johnson) and a (CEC TL 51 00Z in a secondary system) that have started to skip a second or two of music, multiple times per (clean or new) CD I play.
Can some one tell me what’s happening and why?
Do I need to send it back to the manufacturer for repair?
What do you suggest I do?
How expensive will it be?
Sincere thanks for anythought upon the problem.
Have a safe and wonderful holiday!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xlak
Thanks all.
Good to hear from you Francisco!
I never cleaned the lens. I'll have to try it.
How’s the weather in your neck of the woods?
Happy holidays...
Cleaning the lens did the trick for the CEC unit. I have not tried it on the Conrad Johnson transport yet!
Great information, thanks to all and have a happy New Year.
Windex on a Q-tip, followed by some distilled water on a Q-tip, dried with a Q-tip and blown with a little bit of compressed air. I basically followed the advice of Psychicanimal with products I had at home.