From the SME website:
ACCESSORIES - Pick-up arms
To damp arm motion: Part no. FDIV
For use with Series 300 and Series IV arms. Provides lateral damping only. Also provides for the fine adjustment of vertical tracking angle, a feature standard on the Series V arm. Complete with damping fluid in a syringe and instruction book. Go to:
You can buy them directly from SME, or Sumiko in San Francisco. (Factory is cheaper for parts I've found)
You can email Elaine Wratten SME Sales for prices:
As for whether your arm has one, it would be wrapped around the main pivot post on the inside (platter side) of the post.
ACCESSORIES - Pick-up arms
To damp arm motion: Part no. FDIV
For use with Series 300 and Series IV arms. Provides lateral damping only. Also provides for the fine adjustment of vertical tracking angle, a feature standard on the Series V arm. Complete with damping fluid in a syringe and instruction book. Go to:
You can buy them directly from SME, or Sumiko in San Francisco. (Factory is cheaper for parts I've found)
You can email Elaine Wratten SME Sales for prices:
As for whether your arm has one, it would be wrapped around the main pivot post on the inside (platter side) of the post.