If you re-check the pics, you'll see that amps only 'appear' to be on the floor. In fact they're on short amp stands that lift them a few inches off the floor. This keeps out most dust, and prevents acidental blocking of the cooling vents on the bottom of the unit (most instructions caution against setting equipment on carpet for this reason).
Short speaker cables and longer amp-preamp interconnects are generally the preferred layout (especially if using tube amps which have limited ability to control (damp) the woofers, resulting in less than terrific (sloppy/muddy) bass.
If your significant other objects to an amp right in the middle of the room, you should consider a pair of monoblock (1 channel) amps located next to, or even behind each speaker, rather than a stereo amp between them.
Short speaker cables and longer amp-preamp interconnects are generally the preferred layout (especially if using tube amps which have limited ability to control (damp) the woofers, resulting in less than terrific (sloppy/muddy) bass.
If your significant other objects to an amp right in the middle of the room, you should consider a pair of monoblock (1 channel) amps located next to, or even behind each speaker, rather than a stereo amp between them.