40hz room mode RPG Modex Corner trap?

Hey guys,
Looking for some help with some room modes I am battling. Main offender is 40hz mode. (very typical with 8ft ceilings I suppose) I have several ASC tube traps that have helped a lot, but at this point the don't need much more broad bass damping just 40hz damping as the peak there is way above everything else.

So, two questions:

1. Has any one used the RPG Modex Corner trap?
Seems to be exactly what I need as they make a 40hz model. How effective are these? I think that to make a significant difference I may need so many that the cost will kill. Would 2-4 make a difference?

2. Any other ideas to kill the 40hz room mode short of an eq like the PARC?

If we could deal with 40 Hz effectively passively we would not have made the PARC. We have tried the Modex--and we love RPG products and use them all the time in our designs, but we have not gotten good results with the Modex. At 40 Hz, there's a lot of energy and a long wavelength. The only real passive option is a custom designed and built Helmhotz resonator. It can do the job--but it's not easy to build these properly, particularly if it's a high Q resonance and greater than 8 db.

Although they are more of a broadband solution, you might want to look into the Mondotraps made by Realtraps. They only absorb under about 100Hz or so (so your room doesn't become overdamped in the higher freq.). They are a lot cheaper than the RPG's........... Don't know if they are more/less effective, but certainly a higher Q.

I recently installed four of them alond with some of their other products in my listening room to great effect.

I understand that the PARC might be a bit expensive. However, the Behringer DEQ2496 would do the job for you. See the several threads about this remarkable unit. By the way, Rives audio will tell you that LF room resonances, like 40 Hz, can't really be controlled by room treatments, and that is why they came up with the PARC.