The Latest Room Correction Equipment/Trends

Has anyone been able to try both the Deqx and Tact RCS2.2x in their system?
If so, can you describe the strengths and weaknesses of each, and ultimately, which did you prefer?
I see Tact are promoting corner placed subwoofers, time aligned and XO'd from their RCS2.2X
Has anyone tried this, if so, what results did you achieve?

Both these components seem to be highly regarded, amd both perform similar functions, but I wonder if one is significantly better than the other. My one experience with Tact was with the RCS2.0, which I found lacked transparency and seemed to suck the ambience from music. The newer and higher sampling 2.2x is probably a significant step forward.

Or perhaps the Rives PARC is a better solution. My understanding is that it works only with lower frequencies and does not handle midrange/HF signals.

Any thoughts on this evolving technology and how it works or might work in your system?

I might be able to provide a point of reference for you. Though I haven't heard them both in my system, a friend of mine has a similar system to mine (both using line arrays with digital amplification) and is using a DEQX, while I'm using Tact equipment.

They both are great units and do a very good job of digital room-correction, and both maintain a high degree of transparency. Neither of us would be without them in our systems. The DEQX has the added benefit of speaker correction; a nice addition, depending on the design of your speaker. But the DEQX is considerably more complicated to use.

The Tact is easier to set up and you can see and easily reference the target curve corrections along with the original room measurements, on the computer screen.

The Tact (2.2x--much better than the 2.0) also provides nine immediately available target curves accessible from the remote, to be used for different recordings. I find this to be a great asset, sort of a modern digital tube-rolling kind of thing.

I've used corner placed subwoofers and now use Linkwitz-designed dipole subs (as does my friend) and the ability to time-align and channel balance the subs and integrate them with the mains is simply fabulous. I've never heard such great bass, clean and tight and kept where it belongs.

It can take some getting used to, though. An audiophile friend who owns electrostats came over and was underwhelmed, feeling a lack of bass. I think he was having a hard time adjusting to such clean bass that didn't boom and slop all over the place. With time, it's hard to go back, and I don't really enjoy listening to uncorrected bass anymore.

They are both worthy contenders. If you want speaker correction and are pretty tech-savvy, I'd consider the DEQX. If you want more ease of use and user-friendly features, go with the Tact. I haven't heard the Rives.
I know of a group of audio reviewers that love the Tact,however,your observation of a compromised signal is very accurate.I do not think that changing a audio signals phase is really a good correction.We go to huge lengths to maintain both electrical as well as time domain correctness.To assume that a device can change a signal rather than treating the room is a short cut that is compromised solution.I think the better way is to use the new resonators from fast audio,I am currently ordering a set from Avatar acoustics since they are truly amazing.I heard them totally change room signatures at CES and wouldn't have thought it possible for such a small device.If you are interested you can look them up under dealers or my old threads concerning Karan.Website is Avatar hunting Dennis
If not I am not misguided, DEqx and tact both cannot accept DSD signals and thus SACD issues, if you intend or currently listen to SACDs.

On Rive's Parc: is it transparent to the source?
I have DEQX and Lyngdorf and am a Dealer for Both.

The Lyngdorf system measures the speakers and the room then subtracts the rooms effect at the listening position.

It is very simple to use and if you like your speakers it allows you to hear their anechoic response at your listening position.

I also design speakers and find for that application the DEQX is superb, especially with the Earthworks Calibration kit.