Looking for a source of vibration dampening sheets

I want to experiment with some chassis vibration dampening. I tried a search here but it didn't turn up much. I'm looking for a source of good quality vibration dampening sheets for my CDP and preamp. What do I look for and where is it available? Thanks for your help.
A little late I arrive, but dont forget to check ear ted dampening sheet. It comes with an adhesive side and you can cut it and damp whatever you want. I used also to damp some of the capacitors of my amps. You can find this in percyaudio.com
A little late I arrive, but dont forget to check ear ted dampening sheet. It comes with an adhesive side and you can cut it and damp whatever you want. I used also to damp some of the capacitors of my amps. You can find this in percyaudio.com
Mijknarf, A very tiny cost further upgrade to your cones would be to add dampening using herbiesaudiolab.com Grungebuster Dot between the top of each cone and the flat component chassis undersurface. For a microscopic price, there will be more clearly audible upgrade.
Also, sometimes, placing Audiopoints APCD2 Coupling Disc to receive the sharp point of the cone increases the sonic benefit due to a proprietary design to sink the vibration energy even though the point is no longer directly contacting the underlying shelf.
If you call the telephone number of Herbie's Audio Lab you can get an entire course in how to dampen everything in sight since there is more to know than what I briefly touched upon.