Bologna OR Baloney How does this work? Please fee

Hello everybody once again, with my questions :)

Well I am curious about the Cable Elevators and how they work!
I have been into high end audio for almost 20 years now and only started believing about Power Cords around 5 years ago, I tried it and realized they made a difference unlike before that, I laughed about it.

I am one of those who don’t get roped in easily but can anyone out there tell me ( their own experience) how this industrial grade porcelain works, I would like to get some feedback before trying some out my self, my options are to place some of my high grade china ware I have collecting dust in the dining room than to buy something for $150 or maybe even using blocks or bricks or wood.

They say:

Cables come in contact with a wide variety of flooring surfaces. Each can have a different effect on cable behavior. By elevating cables off the floor you eliminate static charge and you lower capacitance. The net effect is lower noise and increased dynamics. Another factor is the dampening of the natural modulation inherent to all cable. That is an electrical signal passing through a conductor (cabling) produces a desirable mechanical resonance that is dampened when placed on the floor. This also constricts dynamics and low-level detail. Placing cables in free space would be ideal.

Any input is appreciated

I'm not sure about the sonic difference, but they do keep my Siberian Husky's shedding hair from accumulating on the cables.
"Ah yes my boy, there's one born every minute." PT Barnum

A fool an his money are soon parted.

The last 6 feet of wire going into your amp will change the characteristics that have developed on the 20 mile journey from the power company's generator to your transistors!!!!

A passive device will change everything.

"Sure kid, that's why they call it passive"

The best amps is a straight wire with gain. Now then how to acheive that.

Elevators, well you can guess my feelings.


I'm also told that now I must raise my speaker cables off the floor & also arrange all my cabling such that none touches another at all. However I haven't figured out exactly how I'm going to accomplish that trick;

It's done exactly like freeway interchanges. You'll figure it out ;~))

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A slight variation of Nsgarch's suggestion would be to go to the local hardware store and get the foam inlulation used for pipes on your hot water heater and interior plumbing. It already has a 'slit' down the center and is real eash to use and it is cheap.