Replacement Fuse's - What are my options ????

Do to a dumb electrical move I blew a fuse in my amp and thankfully it did just what it was supposed to do. No damage to my amp. What are my replacement options ???? I have heard some audiophile fuse's are out there for $25 a fuse....any comments would be appreciated.
Aggielaw, so you're moving from a very dry climate to Kansas? This should be good. :)

My family and I recently moved from Leawood, KS to Oregon. For 3 months of the year, the heat and humidity in Kansas is literally as bad as summertime in Orlando, FL.

But suprisingly (and aside from the humidity) KS was a fantastic place to live. My wife, who grew up in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA aka the Beverly Hills of the west side, cried when we moved from Kansas.

BTW, you should experience lightning and thunderstorms that will scare the cheese out of you. So you better buy 8 fuses. :) During the stormy months, I unplugged all equipment when I wasn't listening.

Anyway I hope you enjoy KS as much as we did. We'd go back in a heartbeat.

HiFi-Tuning Fuses are available from: Xtreme Cables

The Cable Company

Parts Connexion

I hope this helps...

Brian Kyle

Interesting! I went househunting out there a couple weeks ago and drove from Kansas City to the Manhattan area, where I bought a house. I was very surprised at the temperated weather (which I know won't last long) and the beautiful rolling terrain. The people were very friendly across the board, too. My wife and I grew up in and near Houston, Texas, so we're well-prepared for the muggy summers. :)

The monsoons and their corresponding brownouts and lightning storms here in the high desert caused me to buy an APC S10 last summer, but I will continue to unplug when those buggers hit in Kansas - thanks for the tip!

I've only been to Portland in Oregon, but I hear the entire state is just gorgeous. I'll bet you guys are really enjoying it there.

Well,heard the fuses(HI FI Tuning),before and after,in a friend's exact pre/phonostage as mine.Definitely a clearly audible improvement!!
I would liken it,almost exactly,to moving up to a superior set of tubes!
