Replacement Fuse's - What are my options ????

Do to a dumb electrical move I blew a fuse in my amp and thankfully it did just what it was supposed to do. No damage to my amp. What are my replacement options ???? I have heard some audiophile fuse's are out there for $25 a fuse....any comments would be appreciated.
Well,heard the fuses(HI FI Tuning),before and after,in a friend's exact pre/phonostage as mine.Definitely a clearly audible improvement!!
I would liken it,almost exactly,to moving up to a superior set of tubes!

I agree, Sir Speedy, and have now spent $150 on the damn things. I need a keeper :-)
I bought an Isoclean fuse to compare against the HiFi Tuning fuse. I seriously doubted there would be any difference.

Last night I sat down and spent three hours listening to several tracks twice - first time with one fuse in, second time with the other. I jotted down a few notes from time to time. Can you guess the results?

That's right - the HiFi Tuning fuse won almost across the board. For jazz and classical I preferred the HiFi Tuning fuse because everything seemed cleaner, airier, and just more "real." The Isoclean fuse had more-defined imaging, but I felt some wind instruments, chiefly alto and tenor sax, sounded ever-so-slightly colored. The only place I might have preferred the Isoclean was with hard rock.

Just my two cents, but I thought my experience was interesting in light of this thread.

As an aside, there's a thread on audiocircle where some folks in Denver recently tested various fuses, and found a silver-plated fuse that they liked better than the HiFi Tuning fuse. You can find the thread here:

Aggielaw -- Q: Which direction were the arrows on the Isocleans pointing when you placed them in the fuse holders?... just curious?
Are the HiFi fuses not directional? I would be interested in the German silver fuses, but was shocked to learn they are merely silver plated. Why doesn't someone make solid silver fuses where the ac would pass through quality wire, or does it make no difference at 60 Hz 120 volts?