Replacement Fuse's - What are my options ????

Do to a dumb electrical move I blew a fuse in my amp and thankfully it did just what it was supposed to do. No damage to my amp. What are my replacement options ???? I have heard some audiophile fuse's are out there for $25 a fuse....any comments would be appreciated.
I just talked with a friend who received a pair to compare with the IsoCleans in his amps. After breaking in the Furutechs for several day, he went back to the IsoCleans and greatly preferred them.

I was going to try a pair anyway, but at $60@ I will pass.
Bob P,

I can't seem to locate any technical explanations for Isoclean's fuses, other than better materials, audible claims, reviews, and distributor sites. Nothing to explain the how/why directional aspect with regards to AC, DC, or frequency applications.

Anyone with factual explanations (construction or theory), or sites bearing the same?

Metro04, I had a lengthy discussion with the IsoClean people at the last CES. Other than telling me that the conductor was not silver or gold, they would only say that many engineering concerns went into their design. When I mentioned my interest in the silver conductor fuses from Germany, they merely said they would not rival the IsoClean.

I don't think we know much about any fuses' constructions. We know the Furutechs are rhodium plated and have a silver conductor. I know the IsoCleans are gold plated. That is all I have learned about these fuses. But I do know the IsoCleans work if they are put in the right direction!


Isoclean's responses are typical of most manufacturers pertaining to their engineering, vs competitor's. No real rocket science to standard fuse construction, so I'm baffled as to how/why theirs can make a difference. I'm no newbee to electronics, so this is quite intriguing.

Still open for info if anybody knows anything, or has done measurements, etc.