DIY do it yourself tube amp kit

Does anyone know of a really high end DIY tube amp company?
Darkmoebius is absolutely correct. Vandersteens and SET amps is not the way to go. I had Vanddersteen 3A Sig with a 100 watt tube mono amp and I ended up selling the Vands, to hard to drive.
thank you both for your input. I new I would need large amp to drive them. Hmmm? I just have this desire to try some tubes amps. I've auditioned the ASL Hurricanes and they did a good job - of course - no kit though. I may end up just buying a pair of Hurricanes and maybe play around with mods. Thanks again for your help.

Response Audio does extensive mods on the ASL Hurricanes, though it doubles the price.

If you can get by w/ 100wpc, they also do the same mods on the Monsoons.

Check out the listed changes they make to their amps for ideas.
Darkmoebius, Yes, I spoke with Response. Sounds like they are very familar with the Hurricanes. I may check that out. I'm trying to keep my overall investment in my system lower than I have in the past. I've found that there are deminishing returns per dollar spent and am actually cutting back. Trying to get the best bang for the buck. Thanks for your correspondence.
I want to build a pair of Mono Block tube amps. I have a pair of ML Quest Z. What is your recommendation? I play my music loud and listen to all kinds of music. What do you think?