Hawaiikid, you will notice I did not give a position one way or the other what you should do. As for Hawaii I only assume your ac power system is like what we have here in the lower 48. You stated the equipment you were interested in is 220V. What is your Line to Line, L1 to L2, voltage in your residence? You will notice for the voltage readings I gave for my examples I used 120V and 240V "nominal". My L1 to L2 measures 247V, Line to neutral 123.5V, in the evening hours.
If you decide to install a 240V branch circuit you will need check the actual L1 to L2 voltage before doing so. What is the voltage tolerance of the 220V equipment? + or - ?
If you decide to buy a transformer make sure it is large enough as others have posted here.
You have two choices to make for a transformer,
A step up autotransformer 120V to 220V nominal. The cheaper way to go. In this case no isolation from the Main Line power.
Or a step up isolation transformer 120V to 220V nominal. Best way to go but a lot more money.
If you decide to install a 240V branch circuit you will need check the actual L1 to L2 voltage before doing so. What is the voltage tolerance of the 220V equipment? + or - ?
If you decide to buy a transformer make sure it is large enough as others have posted here.
You have two choices to make for a transformer,
A step up autotransformer 120V to 220V nominal. The cheaper way to go. In this case no isolation from the Main Line power.
Or a step up isolation transformer 120V to 220V nominal. Best way to go but a lot more money.