How to connect bi-wire speakers

I have a pair of Sonus-Fabre Guarneri speakers, they are available for bi-wire, and using a pair Silversmith speaker cables and Audioquest Everest jumper. Should I connect both speaker cables to the bass drivers or positive speaker cable for bass driver and the negative for tweeter? please comment. also is the gold binding post for positive and the silver binding post for negative?
Hi Jeff

Thanks for your description, it will clear and benefit for many people, but how can we get the most good sounding without losing the deep bass, sound stage and focus? should I get other pair of speaker cables for bi-wiring?(but it will cost so much), or use Silversmith jumper would help? please comment.

Best Regards

Hi Edmond,
They only way to avoid passing the signal through two sets of binding posts is obviously to use a second set of high quality cables to bi-wire. In the case of Silversmith Audio cables, there is nothing wrong with using Silver cables for the bass and Palladium cables for the mid/tweeter. The best sound of course will be achieved by truly bi-wiring with Palladium.
Upgrading your jumper to Palladium will also improve your sound quality, though not to the level of bi-wiring.
Lastly, consider upgrading your binding posts, if possible. Low mass binding posts are finally hitting the market and I recommend the Eichmann product. This can be a substantial sonic improvement to both the single and bi-wire configurations.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Smith
Silversmith Audio
Briefly, binding posts are one of the worst offenders in terms of audio degradation (thick metal and its affect on the electromagnetic wave as a waveguide).

Having studied power transmission lines, EM radiation, waveguides and electronics, I would simply like to point out that most electrical engineers (that I know of) would disagree with the above statement (when dealing with signals at audio frequencies).

I am not disputing the fact that many people are convinced that they hear something different...I just beg to differ on the scientific explanation.

As far as science is concerned (to my best knowledge), one should not expect an audible difference from any of the commonly used binding posts (provided a suitable connection is made).

Describing a binding post as "one of the worst offenders in terms of audio degradation" is a patently false statement (IMHO).
As an engineer, I will simply state that the concepts and equations behind my statements can be found in any text on electromagnetic theory, and, surprisingly, are pretty simple.
The Director for the Center for Audio Research and Engineering, and Director for Postgraduate Studies within the Department of Electronic Systems Engineering at Essex University in the UK, has written articles which very neatly explain how a binding post can dramatically affect sound quality. While these papers are more specifically about cables, the same concepts apply to the binding posts as they are just a continuation of the conductor chain. Many of his papers can be found here:

Hopefully some of those articles can answer your questions. Happy Reading!

Jeffrey Smith
Silversmith Audio

Can you point me to a specific paper as there are more than thirty listed at the URL you gave.

I agree wholeheartedly that all these concepts are in engineering textbooks, at least they were twenty years ago. I am not questioning any of these engineering principles.

However, waveguides and effects such as you describe have long been regarded (by most electrical engineers and professors that I know) as having negligible impact to the signal at audio frequencies and cable lengths (meters not kilometers) used in most hi-fi system configurations.

It is the application of these theories to the range of audio frequencies in the configuration of a typical hi-fi system where I beg to differ/question whether they can have such a large affect as to be one of the worst offenders.

Thanks to point me to the specific paper that shows a binding post (or cable) can be the worst offender.