How to connect bi-wire speakers

I have a pair of Sonus-Fabre Guarneri speakers, they are available for bi-wire, and using a pair Silversmith speaker cables and Audioquest Everest jumper. Should I connect both speaker cables to the bass drivers or positive speaker cable for bass driver and the negative for tweeter? please comment. also is the gold binding post for positive and the silver binding post for negative?
Shadorne, I think you've hit the nail on the head! The key to all of this is the phrase "at *audio* frequencies". Jeff brings up the group delay bugaboo but fails to mention that this delay is on the order of only a couple hundred nanoseconds between upper and lower frequencies in a typical speaker cable length (say 8ft.), with upper frequencies arriving sooner.

In addition, this difference amounts to changing the placement of the tweeter 16 microns behind that of the woofer. Wanna bet you can't measure that difference in any practical way?

Your understanding matches mine. IMHO up to 2 Msec of delay between drivers is what most pros believe is below audibility... so most speakers are designed with this in mind. Generally a smooth phase response is desired rather than pure minimum phase...smooth phase may be important to preserve timbre.....but 2 Msec is a far cry from 200 nanosecs. There is a lot going on in a speaker and cross over network ....far more effects on phase than in a cable. Active designs usually have better phase response than passive designs but are still far from perfect. With so much going on in the speaker I don't lose any sleep about what is going on in the speaker cables. I may be completely wrong on all this... but that is my interpretation of the physics behind this stuff.
Still - all else being equal - it would appear that since you have to make a choice of which set of posts to connect a single wire to then the mid/upper would be the right ones, as Silversmith suggests. At a minimum, there may be no "audible" difference, but to whatever degree there is a binding post effect, it's being minimized.