Two line sources into one amp

I have a Benchmark DAC 1 which sounds much better driving my power amp directly and bypassing my preamp. Problem is I use the Audible Illusions M3A preamp for my phono set up. Rather than having to switch the DAC1 an M3A interconnect cables to the power amp, can I run both to a RCA combiner jack at the power amp without suffering ill effects (only one source putting out a signal at a time)?

I don't want to fry anything, or possibly compromise the sonics of one source with another.

Thanks for your help.

Thanks for the feedback...

What is a good source for a quality A/B switch, or high quality parts and a project box to build one myself?
Try and also parts-express. That sould get you started. There is also Parts Connection and of course, "Rat"-Shack (if you are desperate).

And also: .......... How could any one of us forget to mention the CREEK OBH (passive remote pre-amp) series. I beleive that Moon Audio still has them and Audio Advisor sold them (at one time). They are quick to sell on Audiogon. Perhaps what would help you the most.

I scanned through the Audiogon website looking for something for you. There was (very recently) someone that was selling high quality switches and pots (under tweaks or ss pre-amps) but I could not locate anything now. I did happen to spot a "Quasar" switch box that looked real interesting but it is FAR more than you would need. What caught my eye about it was the (apparent) high quality of exposed parts. Fairly cheap at about 200.00. I don't know a thing about it's insides (could be pure junk). It had a ba-zillion in's and out's and for both amps and source. Made me dizzy looking at it.

Thanks again everyone.

Checkeed out my parts express catalog. Nothing seemed to fit the bill, but I did find this switch on the WEB:

Any thoughts?
The RAM switch will work. Niles Audio makes a signal sensing aoutomatic switch as well as as a manual model.