"are there any really awesome integrated amps out there" ? There are more manufacturers making integrateds in the high end that compete with seperates than ever. Older Krell seperates definitely have some competition. While I have not heard many of these, I suggest trying to get a home audition with as many as possible so you can find that elusive synergy with your current gear. There are a huge number of high end integrateds. You may be able to get home auditions through local dealers, but if home auditions are also available through internet dealers as well. Here is a long list to investigate; you can read up in the forums and Google to go to the websites: VAC, Musical Fidelity kw500 or Trivista, ASR Emitter, Plinius 9200, Einstein, Cary, Nait, McIntosh MA2275, Bryton B100, Mark Levinson, Jeff Rowland, Leben, Rogue, Manley, YBA, Classe, Audiomat, Balanced Audio Technology, Zanden, Jadis, Accuphase, Lecteur, Dussun (new from China), MBL... The list goes on and on. Once you've narrowed your search try to get a home audition so you can hear as many as you can with your source and speakers. Although I don't know which Krell seperates you have, imho, there are quite a few high end integrateds that will outperform them. Much of it will depend on how much money you're willing to spend on an integrated. Enjoy the search and head for some deale