HDTV transmitter/antenna information

I recently bought a HD receiver for my Direct TV and want to hook up an outdoor antenna to receive local networks etc.

I am having difficulty finding good information on what antenna to use and if it is likely that I could even receive HD from my location in Kalamazoo Michigan.

My receiver is a HR10-250 for Direct TV.

Any websites that can help? I have searched the archives on Agon and googled but no real answer.

ANY info is appreciated


thanks so far everyone.

I may just end up putting an antenna and rotor up on the roof and trying it.

Dweller I did go to the website you mention and it looks hopeful.

Dan ed my brother has the mother of all UHF antennas in his garage and maybe I will borrow it try that as well.

Agaffer I have a great big tree in the line of connection to the local sattelite and besides I am cheap.
Good luck, Phil. The only problem I see with HD and sattelite is too much compression. The difference in the sat broadcast and the OTA broadcast of the same event is quite noticeable. Unfortunately, compression is here to stay.
I installed my own $19.95 Ratshack antenna. (7 years ago)I live in a pretty good location where all the tv stations are due east..of me,thus negating a rotor.-- Oh, I must be blind, I see no difference in PQ. My sig. strength is 99.--- D* still only has the big 4 ABC, NBC, ABC, and FOX and no PBS-HD. By all means, get your own antenna and get all that free stuff. AND, lets not forget, all all digital recievers aren't created equal. With the same antenna; reception differs.
That's a very good point, avguygeorge. My late Toshiba HD receiver was much better both on sat and OTA PQ. But I have to admit that it is nice to have the recording feature. Would you happen to know if the new D* PVRs are better than the previous Phillips D* PVRs?
I second the outdoor antenna from radio shack. I purchased one from them for about $25 several years ago plus 10 bucks for a 5 foot mast, and hardware to attach it and put it up on my roof. Pulls in all the stations there are and they are about 60 miles away. Looks great on my 106" diagonal screen. As already mentioned if the broadcast antennas are in the same place, you might not need the motor.