HDTV transmitter/antenna information

I recently bought a HD receiver for my Direct TV and want to hook up an outdoor antenna to receive local networks etc.

I am having difficulty finding good information on what antenna to use and if it is likely that I could even receive HD from my location in Kalamazoo Michigan.

My receiver is a HR10-250 for Direct TV.

Any websites that can help? I have searched the archives on Agon and googled but no real answer.

ANY info is appreciated


That's a very good point, avguygeorge. My late Toshiba HD receiver was much better both on sat and OTA PQ. But I have to admit that it is nice to have the recording feature. Would you happen to know if the new D* PVRs are better than the previous Phillips D* PVRs?
I second the outdoor antenna from radio shack. I purchased one from them for about $25 several years ago plus 10 bucks for a 5 foot mast, and hardware to attach it and put it up on my roof. Pulls in all the stations there are and they are about 60 miles away. Looks great on my 106" diagonal screen. As already mentioned if the broadcast antennas are in the same place, you might not need the motor.
Philjoet, definitely get an antenna and put a preamp on it and a roter so you can rotate to fine tune it, I watch almost all my HD OTA, its free and has tons more to offer than satellite or cable.
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Yes, I have 2 of the cheap, but well regarded Rat Shack double bow-tie antennas. They haven't made them for a few years now and the guy at the local store didn't even know he had them. The in-line stock search pulled them up so off to the store I went. He was more than happy to sell both to me fo $5. I cut off the ribbon wire and soldered a 75 ohm adapter. They work very well, but the wife wanted them out of sight. So I went to channel master in the attic.