To cryo or not to cryo

Hi All,

I searched the threads and couldn't find any dedicated to explaining and/or evaluating the benefits of having electronic gear cryogenically treated. I'm considering buying a BPT Pure Power Center, and the company strongly recommends I have the whole thing treated.

Is it worth it? What kind of benefits? Audible difference?

the rustler
I understand there are right and wrong processes to properly cryo-treat a product. And it might benefit you to read up on the proper procedures and then ask Chris at BPT what his procedures are.

There is the somewhat rare chance that some damage could occur to one or more innards pieces. Therefore, if he does the cryo-treating as part of the purchase, you will be spared the expense of replacement should something go awry.

But to answer your question, if properly done, the answer is absotively, posilutely yes! to cryo-treating.

Porziob, cyro'ing [done properly] requires a great capital investment. Are there ANY manufacturers who do their own cryo'ing? No way that a company can void their warranty if their product WASN'T cryo'ed. If they will void the warranty for non-cryo'ing...STAY AWAY!!!
BPT has referred me to Cryo Nebraska, a firm that gives us a discount. They charge by the pound, believe it or not. I wouldn't be doing this on my own!
It's just smoke and mirrors. If you think it sounds better, that's all that matters whether it does or not.