Can the sound of SS amp deteriorate over time??

Would like to know if the quality of the sound of a "high- end" solid state amp can deteriorate over a period of 10-15 years. That is, the the bass sounds less tight and controlled, the sound is less clean and clear and imaging is less focused and precise. I realize that a tube pre-amp or power amp are subject to this deterioration in sound depending on the quality and condition of the tubes.... Need some technical advice
Sean I agree with your assessment. The heat factor of constantly going hot to cold (when equipment is turned off) to cold to hot(when equipment is turned on) is stressfull to the components in your equipment. Dormant stage on stereo equipment is alot better than powering up equipment from an off state. Yes good ventilation is essential and will prolong the life of your components.
Sean...The Navy systems see frequent turn on/off power transients, (for tests and drills) but these do not seem to have the bad effect which some folk expect. Perhaps this is because thermal transients are avoided. Incadessent light bulbs are the classic example of something that doesn't like being turned on and off, but electronics are not light bulbs.
I want to thank everyone who responded and provided advice and technical knowledge. Based on what I have read, especially regarding possible capacitor "aging" and "leakage", that it may be time to sell the amp and keep the tube pre-amp. I only need 75-100 RMS and prefer to have a smaller chasis amp that is not painful to lift and easy to move. At the same time, I want to also improve the sound not only by acquiring a newer amp, but one that also sounds better. I would be open to a tube power amp if I could find a unit that is at least 75RMS and whose bass is not mushy or poorly defined, especially since I will be using a tube pre-amp....Any advice on used amps, tube or SS will be welcomed. I can spend approx. $800-1000. Thanks again, Jim
I also feel that providing your SS equipment with purified electricity provided by a good AC line conditioner and good power chords can't hurt.

Like drinking pure water?
