Behringer DEQ2496: Ease of Use

I am intrigued with the possibilities of the Behringer DEQ2496 in tweaking my Avantgarde Duo/BAT system, which is in a large rectangular living room (which would quickly become my "bachelor pad" if I attempted acoustic panels). Only problem is that I am not an engineer, and configuration of the Behringer appears daunting.

Can anyone comment on how "user-friendly" this unit is? For the money, it would seem worth a try.
Eldartford: With my room being fully treated the worst case is plus or minus 10db. With just small adjustments across the frequency spectrum I've found I can make a huge difference in the presentation of my system.

At 31.5 I have it cut 4db which is not the 10db it actually is. Also at 10khz I have it cut 3.5db. I'm guessing that you're cutting or boosting more frequencies than the target frequencies which is why I'm apprehensive to make larger cuts. As for boosts I don't want to push my speakers and amp too far although the amp driving my woofers puts out 600wpc and the amp driving the planar/ribbons puts out 500wpc into 4 ohms.

I don't think most people should start out making large adjustments. At least in my experience it has been easier to take my time. The few people who sell these pieces I'd suspect a pretty fair percentage didn't learn how to use it properly and weren't patient. Just my opinion of course.
Warnerwh...I understand your point of view. But consider that if you use the "Feedback Destroyer" to do the cuts the bandwidth can be 1/60 octave, and you wouldn't have to worry about affecting adjacent frequencies.

I am using maximum cut around 60 Hz for my rear speakers that are mounted in alcoves. It's the alcoves which seem to function as a resonant external part of the speaker the 60 Hz hump is not caused by the room at large. As such, I am correcting response of the speaker itself, so I don't get into the direct vs reflected sound issue. works.
Eldartford: Thank You! I didn't ever think about using the feedback destroyer. I forgot all about it. Now I'll have to use that also.