Behringer DEQ2496: Connection Options

I am eagerly awaiting delivery of a DEQ2496. Not being a sound engineer, I have some trepidation about the learning curve. For starters, though, I want to make sure I have the optimal connection configuration. The options seem to be (1) connect to pre-amp in an aux loop (e.g., as a tape deck) or (2) connect between pre- and amp. From what i can tell, the better restults are obtained with the latter configuration -- i.e., place the DEQ between the pre- and the amp with balanced connections going in the same direction as the existing connections. Is that right?

Also, will "standard" XLR ICs work with the DEQ or must I get special ICs/adaptors.

Thanks for any help.
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Standard balanced interconnects are fine.

The TAPE loop would be the appropriate place to put an equalizer, except that the signal level is probably too low for best results. Try it here first and see what happens. The reason to put it between the preamp and the power amp is to take advantage of the gain in the preamp line stage, to boost the signal level, however, if you do this you will need to attenuate the signal going into your typical audiophile power amp. If your power amp has an input level control, use it. Otherwise you might need to buy or make attenuators.
Tvad...The Bypass Mode does leave some Behringer circuitry in the signal path. However, if you switch off the power switch of the Behringer it does a "hard bypass" where the input signal goes out untouched. This would be pretty much the same as using a TAPE loop.
Behringer gurus please help:

I have just rearranged my system and removed the Behringer from my desktop system, in order to experiment with the RTA and mic for my Levinson amp and Tympanis.

Therefore, I have connected:

IN R and IN L on the Behringer to the TAPE OUT 1 R and L on my SP-11 preamp?


Aux Out R and L on the Behringer to the TAPE IN 1 R and L on the preamp?

If this is correct, I would choose whatever input I want on the INPUT selector...and simply flip the switch to MONITOR rather than SOURCE to hear the Behringer device in the signal chain?

For some reason, I cant hear any difference or get the EQ to insert itself in the signal chain.

Do I need to reset the I/O settings on the Behringer?

Thanks for any advice. I sometimes get lost on this device, and I haven't actively used a tape deck since about 1980.
