Do I need acoustic foam in my listening room?

I'm buying a new house and plan to build a listening room in the basement. The room will be (approximately) 14 feet wide and 16 feet deep with an 8 foot ceiling. There will be carpet on the floor and the room will be closed in with French doors on one side.

The speakers will be sitting close to 3 feet from the front wall and there will be at least 3 feet behind the couch. I have a sub that I place betwen the two speakers.

Will acoustic foam help with the sound? Do I need bass traps? If so, how would you arrange the panels?


If this is a dedicated room, almost like an audio studio, use foam. It works best. Other room treatments are compromises intended to look reasonably acceptable in a living room.

If you have any freedom to alter room dimensions this would do more good than any tratment. Talk to Rives.
Try to sit more than 3 feet from the back wall. 38% of room length is often the optimum position.

Of course acoustic treatment will help with sound - foam or anything else to absorb. Probably everyone could benefit form treatment in a domestic setting.....the problem is aesthetics and WAF, as heavy acoustic treatments look pretty ugly in most cases, unless you enjoy feeling like you are an extra on a Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon set!