Lifting the Ground

Somebody please explain to me again the rules about using cheater plugs on audio componenets. I have my turntable, CD player, and preamp all going into a TICE power conditioner. Is it recommended that I use a cheater plug on any or all of the three units? I have my solid state amp going into a second wall outlet. Is it recommended that I also use a cheater plug on the amp? And what about the risks. I don't want to come back from work and find my house burned down.
"Recommended, surely not by the manufacturer"

Well, actually, the 500w subwoofer amp from Hsu Research (Model #500A)comes packed with a cheater plug, with the owner's manual saying that you should use it with the amp if you experience a hum problem. I did, and I did. Dave
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I have no hum problem. But I thought I read a while back that lifting the ground also improved the sound. If that's not the case, I won't pursue this.

Thanks for keeping me straight.
Generally, lifting or floating the ground does indeed improve sonics. Unless perhaps you had a dedicated ground like a copper pole going 6ft into the earth for just the audio circuits/lines.

For most of us without dedicated grounds, the common ground usually attaches to the nuetral bus somewhere within the service panel and I think this may explain why the ground actually induces sonic harm.

In my experience and under most conditions I float/lift the grounds on all components except for the cdp source component. It is this configuration that typcially provides the best sonics.

FWIW, I use dedicated line conditioners on all of my components so I have no idea what one might expect floating the grounds without any line conditioners.

At this moment, I have all grounds floated but two days ago I had only the cdp grounded.

At this moment, I have all grounds floated but two days ago I had only the cdp grounded.
Stehno, just curious about your CDP. My Arcam Alpha 9 accepts a three wire plug and cord with an IEC connector. The male connector on the CDP only has two blades for connection, the hot and neutral. No equipment ground blade for connection to the CDP chassis/case. Have you checked your CDP IEC male connector on the back of your CDP?